Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Coffee Generation

Okay I admit it, I am old. I can say that not just because I turned fifty last week (boo hoo) but because when I think about coffee a really old , very nostaligic ad campaign hits me - describing the "coffee generation" and "coffee achievers" - check out this video: Way back when coffee was described as the drink that "picks you up and calms you down" - only Madison Avenue could have crafted such a brilliant line. Coffee achievers in this ad spot include David Bowie (really? David Bowie?) and Kurt Vonnegut, the brilliant mind of "Slaughterhouse-Five." I love my java...and in just about a year I will be able to get a cup o'joe in the cafe of the new building. The cafe is located on the second floor, visible from the Link and across the way from the Student Clubs area, making this a lively juncture. The Union will be operating the cafe and if one thing is clear, it's that our students, staff and faculty run on coffee -- and its gotta be good coffee. But what else should the Union be thinking about in terms of menu and offerings? Take a few moments and share your opinion by clicking the link below for a quick, online survey: If it's good enough for David Bowie, that's all I need to know.