Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are you mocking me?

I may have mentioned this a few times, but I am learning more about design and construction every day. Some experiences have already paid off - I've switched my dining room light fixture from traditional glass to a drum shade and the result was dramatic. Simple change you say? In my house, nothing is simple but that's a story for another day.

The thing that now has me really intrigued is the construction mock-up.

For years I've seen these modest installations on construction sites and never knew what they were. When Microbial Sciences was being built, I thought the mock-up was actually an elevator lobby. One person told me it was where the electric was connected to the rest of campus. A third thought it was the start of a bus shelter designed to match the building.

We were all wrong.

The mock-up is a valuable tool for the architects, contractors and campus. Built outside on the construction site, these "mini-buildings" are constructed with the exact materials specified for the project and are representations for viewing and inspecting how each material performs and if needed, make adjustments. For instance, the team may look at different colors of mortar, or test the reflectivity of glass. I learned the mock-up is useful for testing the structure for air infiltration or water penetration, and believe it or not to test for seismic movement.

The mock-up for Human Ecology is slated to begin in the next few weeks - it should be really great.