Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's not a dream

Nancy Nicholas Hall photo taken by John Loeffelholz on July 17, 2012
John Loeffelholz, department admin for Human Development and Family Studies took this photo from atop McArdle Lab. This photo was unsolicited - I sure didn't ask him to scale the building but the man must be a ninja to have reached this vantage point.

Just  few hours later the campus was hit with a massive (and much needed) rainstorm. John's photo was taken with a filter and I understand the camera has color correction so while I like to think it's always glorious at Human Ecology we may have had just a wee bit of help.

And what do you see in this picture? I see one kick-#$#@! building, and one helluva staff member to care enough to get this image. John, please accept this huge public thank you!!!