Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It is alive!

What? Is this a line from "Young Frankenstein"? Or "The Sound of Music"?

Nope, I am talking about Nancy Nicholas Hall - it is alive!

My colleagues have been teasing me over the last year, wondering if I will be comfortable with people walking in this spanky building. I tease right back threatening to make people wipe their feet or use a coaster in my nice clean house!

The day before the semester began (yes I was in on Labor Day , it only seemed right as this project was both a labor of love for the School and labor pains associated with birth only this time I can't yell at my husband) I walked the building. I avoided the faculty who were preparing for class because I was not there for them, I was there for purely selfish reasons. I was there for me.

The solitude of the building was, actually, unsatisfying. Oh sure the floors were clean and furniture all in its designed place. It was neat, orderly and all according to the plan.

But it was quiet and had no energy. It was missing something important - the buzz that only comes with students.Yesterday we welcomed students back to the School of Human Ecology and THEIR brand new home.

I saw graduate students in the Graduate Student Lounge and in the Graduate Studio; I heard joyful squeals when students come together from a summer apart. Students were lined up for advising sessions in the waiting area of the Fetzer Center and lots eager faces in the large classroom. I spent my morning in the Link helping people find their way around this beautiful building and yes, I saw students curled up on the sofas at the end of the east hallways, feet on the furniture and food on the tables.

And I couldn't be happier.

Welcome home, boy we've missed you!