Saturday, May 12, 2012

It's all an illusion

Yesterday more than 400 carts and crates were delivered to the six locations where the School of Human Ecology has been living for the past three years. The packing has begun - I poked my head into the ID Resource Room this afternoon and saw a team of students busy sorting and packing material. At the elevator I ran into Professor Shep Zeldin who cheerfully said "I'm packing Zwick" - god luv ya Shep!

The illusion is about space on the carts. I know some of my colleagues are stressed thinking the carts will never hold all their material -but I am here to tell you it's all good.

This afternoon I did my final sort and toss. I've written before that over the past several years I've reduced my file storage to one five-drawer vertical, one two-drawer lateral and one two-drawer ped. Even now I am throwing out copies of sketches from design workshops and I had the pleasure - and I mean real pleasure - of tossing into the recyle bin all the plans and memos related to the first relocation. Oh my gosh I can't tell you how GREAT it feels not to have to look at the Sterling floor plans any more.

Today I packed a cart and the contents on my file cabinets fit nicely on just 2.5 shelves of a four-shelf cart. The trick is to pack them double deep - a shelf of a cart will hold much more than you think.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, five working days to go.