Monday, June 29, 2009

Purging Tips

•Stay Focused – this is time for weeding, not reading: Don’t unwrap magazines, journals or other printed material – if you haven’t read it by now, throw it away!
•Did you remember you had it before now? If not, it’s time to toss or take home.
•Once you toss it, don’t retrieve it from the trash unless it’s cash!
•Calendars/date books: Create your own retention policy (i.e. current year plus last two) unless you have it electronically, in which case it’s a candidate for recycling.

Ask yourself three questions when sorting and purging:
1. Did you remember you had it before now?
2. If you toss it, could you find it again from another source?
3. If you decide to keep it, would you know where to find it?

Photo: Sundry items found in SoHE's attic. Photo taken by Paige Wilder.