Monday, March 5, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions: Part One

I really like the photo on my current WISCARD – it’s the card I’ve had since I was a graduate student and I look, well, incredible. Why do I have to get another one?

a. The new building has the campus standard card access system, managed by UW-Police Department. Spaces in the new building controlled with a WISCARD include the computer labs and perimeter doors. I’m sure you still look just as fresh and bright as you did back then, but unfortunately it won’t get you into the building. Check this link to get your new WISCARD - your new photo will be our little secret.

When do we start packing?

a. Crates and packing material (if using cardboard boxes) are targeted to arrive about 3-4 weeks prior to your move.

b. Shred bins will arrive in April for material that needs to be handled securely.

c. Miranda Hoffman, Human Ecology operations manager ( )will work with departments and units to determine the number of folks needed crates versus cardboard.

What will we leave behind?

a. It’s like an episode of “Oprah” when the audience gets great stuff – all new, matching furniture, ergonomically appropriate chairs and thoughtful amenities in each office or workstation! No need to label a single stick of furniture – our gently used items will find a new home somewhere on the campus or SWAP.

Records rentention is super confusing – I can’t always figure out what’s required or what’s urban legend – can anyone help me?
Assistant Dean Sue Gallagher has placed a Records Retention folder on the S drive, which contains documents with references on how to manage emails and campus records retention information. You can find it at: S:\Admin\Public\Records Retention