Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's all about me!

I don't know if this is a sign of age or control - if I have a task that I want to make sure gets addressed before leaving for work, I put a "Post-It" note on the back door. Last night I stuck up a note to bring tomatoes and jalapeno peppers in to work.

I prep the coffee pot (for me), fill the tea ball (for Paul) and set two mugs/spoons on the counter the night before.

I reconcile the checkbook every day (because I can't convince he-who-shall-not-be-named that yes, the money does come out of our account the moment you use your ATM card, not when you enter it in the checkbook)

And have added a "countdown" clock to the Building section of the Human Ecology website, counting the days/hours until we begin the migration of instructional spaces and offices back to the new building - May 21, 2012.

Writing this I wonder, is this a sign of age? That I will forget something as small as morning coffee or the promised garden-ripe tomatoes for a friend? Am I super organized? A control freak?

Or a super freak.