Thursday, July 28, 2011

Preschool Petting Farm Receives first Resident

"Snippity-snip, snap and swill,
The tale begins upon a hill…"

Three Billy Goats Gruff, a Norwegian folktale.

This week the first members of the Preschool Petting Farm arrived at 1300 Linden Drive, safe and sound. Happy and hungry, 32 goats call the north hillside of the Human Ecology building project home. What a delight - they are a herd of friendly and most efficient goats. They will spend their days munching on Buckthorn, a particular favorite, and are happy to be part of our community.

Giraffes will be added to the family as soon as we get approval - there may be concern the giraffe heads could be seen from Linden Drive. As I learned during the discussions over the green roof, seeing heads - human or otherwise - from Linden Drive is just not historically accurate.

"All summer long they ate the lovely green grass in both meadows until they all grew quite fat. And they walked back and forth over the troll-free bridge whenever they wanted."

Snippity-snip, snap and snout,
This little tale has been told out!"

For the real story, click on this link: